Участники: СПбГПУ, СПбГУ, Московская Биржа, ИТС-Эксперт
October 10, 2013 | |
09:00 | Registration
09:30 |
Conference Оpening
10:15 |
Yuri G. Karpov, Professor, Head of Department of Distributed Computing and Networking of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University Technical Cybernetics School SPSPUTCS
Verification of Parallel Programs – Current Stage and Perspectives
11:15 | Coffee-break |
11:45 |
Pakulin, N.,
Institute for System Programming, ISP RAS
Dynamic Verification of Hybrid Systems
12:15 |
Podymov, V., Popesko, U.,
Moscow State University Verification of Programmable and Configurable Networks Using the UPPAAL System
12:45 |
Kuzmin, Е., Ryabukhin, D., Shipov, А Yaroslavl State University
Building and Verification of PLC Programs Based on LTL Specification
13:15 |
Anureyev, I., A.P.Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
On the Road to Technology of Developing the Means of Deductive Program Verification
13:45 |
Lukin, M., Shalyto, А. , St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Verification of Distributed Automated Programs Using the Spin Tool
14:00 | Lunch |
15:30 |
Zaitsev D., Professor, International Humanitarian University, Odessa, Ukraine
The Efficient Universal Sleptsov Net
hardware track:
16:00 |
Ivannikov, V.P., Kamkin, A.S., Chupilko, M.M., Institute for System Programming, ISP RAS
Verification of Correct Behaviour of HDL-Models of Digital Equipment Based on the Dynamic Comparison of Tracks
17:00 |
Shipin, А.А., Sokolov, V.А., Chaliy, D.U., Yaroslavl State University
The Usage of Check Points for SystemC Program Verification
17:30 |
Frenkel, S.L., Zakharov, V.N., Ushakov, V.G., Institute of Informatics Problems, RAS; Moscow State University
Unified High Level Model of Software and Hardware System for Verifying Functional Reliability
17:45 |
Smirnov, М., Olonichev, V., Staroverov, B. , Kostroma State Technological University
The Specifics of Developing Software for Linux Controllers
October 11, 2013 | |
08:30 | Registration
09:30 |
Alexander K. Petrenko, Professor, Head of Programming Technologies Department, Institute for System Programming ISP RAS
Technical Solutions and Non-Technical Challenges of Test Automation
10:30 | ISTQB |
11:00 |
Basok, B., Grechin, A., Moscow State Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation
On Improving the Statistical Method of Assessing Test Coverage for Programs and Devices
11:30 | Coffee-break |
12:00 |
Sartakov, V., Tarasikov, Aksys labs
The Analysis of Performance of Genode Micro-core Environment Network Subsystem
12:30 |
Zhuravlev, М., Polozov, V. , St. Petersburg State University
An Approach to Verification of Correctness of Data Migration between DBMS Using Cryptographic Hash Functions
13:00 |
Nikeshin, А., Pakulin, N., Shnitman, V., Institute for System Programming, ISP RAS
Automation of Conformance Testing of TLS Transport Layer Security Protocol
13:15 |
Senov, А , Kostroma State Technological University
Applying OLAP and MapReduce Technologies for Performance Testing Results Processing
trading system:
13:30 |
Matveeva, А., Antonov, N., Itkin, I, Innovative Trading Systems, LLC, Kostroma State Technological University, Exactpro Systems, LLC
The Specifics of Test Tools Used in Trading Systems Production Environments
14:00 | Lunch |
15:30 |
Alexeenko, А., Protsenko, P., Matveeva, А., Itkin, I., Sharov D., Innovative Trading Systems, LLC, Exactpro Systems LLC
Compatibility Testing of Protocol Connections of Exchange and Broker Systems Clients
15:50 |
О., Buyanova, А, Zverev, А.,Bulda Innovative Trading Systems, LLC, Kostroma State Technological University, Exactpro Systems, LLC
The Application of Exchange Simulators for Ticker Plant Testing
16:10 |
Guriev, D., Gai, M., Itkin, I., Terentiev, A., Innovative Trading Systems, LLC
High Performance Load Generator for Automated Trading Systems Testing
16:30 |
Pryadkina N., Kryukov, A , Kostroma State Technological University
Model Based Testing Approach for Verification of Exchange Surveillance Systems
16:45 |
Bobrov, I., Zverev, A, Innovative Trading Systems, LLC
Testing of Graphical Interface of Trading Terminals in High Frequency Trading Conditions
17:00 | Coffee-break |
17:30 |
Round Table:
Electronic Trading Platforms: Unconventional Methods of Software Testing
October 12, 2013 |
09:00 | Registration
09:30 |
Vladimir A. Zakharov, Associate Professor of Mathematical Cybernetics Department, Head of Laboratory of Mathematical Problems of Computer Security, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University (MSU) Mathematical Aspects of Program Obfuscation
analysis of programs:
10:30 |
Tsytelov, D., Trifanov, V., Devexperts LLC, St. Petersburg State University
Search of Race Conditions in Java Programs Based on Synchronization Contracts
11:00 |
Vert, Т., Krikun, Т. и Glukhih, М., St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Clausthal Technical University
Finding Defects in C and C++ Pointers Using Static Analysis and Logical Inference
11:30 | Coffee-break |
12:00 |
Andrianova, А., Itsykson, V., St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
Automated Test Synthesis for Java Programs Based on Program Analysis and Contract Inventory
12:30 |
Bui, D., Kompan, S., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
OOP Class Diagrams: Formation and Analysis
12:45 |
Round table:
How to Write a Good Scientific Paper
13:30 |
Conference closing
14:00 | The final dinner |
On July 11, 2013 Zurich, Switzerland hosted the Russian Finance & Investment Forum 2013 devoted to attracting international investors to financial and investment projects in Russia.
A presentation from Exactpro Systems LLC contained a short overview of software development and quality assurance industry for global financial markets, including the latest state-of-the-art technology software products developed by Russian specialists.
Part of the presentation focused on cooperation of IT employers with Russia’s leading universities and academia, international conferences and workshops held in Russia, specialized on-line communities supported by enthusiasts and showing growing interest to software development in the country as a whole, and tax incentives for accredited Russian IT companies.
March 2, 2013 |
09:00 - 10:00 |
10:00 - 10:10 |
Conference Оpening
10:15 - 10:40 |
EXANTE - "Cross-Asset Portfolio Margin Risk Calculation for HFT"
Sergey Troshin, Tech lead at EXANTE, The Organic Choice in Finance |
10:40 - 11:40 |
Exactpro Systems - "Exactpro Test Automation Tools"
Alexey Zverev, Managing Director, Exactpro Systems Olga Buyanova, Senior QA Analyst, Exactpro Systems Marina Kudryavtseva, QA Lead, Exactpro Systems Asya Legotina, QA Analyst, Exactpro Systems Natalia Pryadkina, QA Analyst, Exactpro Systems Daria Terentieva, QA Analyst, Exactpro Systems |
11:40 - 12:00 | Coffee-break |
12:00 - 12:30 |
London Stock Exchange - "The Focus Beyond Low Latency"
Luciano Zanetti, Head of Technology Equity Products Borsa Italiana, London Stock Exchange Group |
12:30 - 13:30 | Round Table - "Trading Systems: Fault Tolerance" |
13:30 - 14:00 | Coffee-break |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Mark Ryland - "How a Great QA Team Can Make a Disproportionate Contribution to Project Success"
Mark Ryland, Financial Markets Technology Consultant |
14:30 - 15:00 |
Solace Systems - "High Performance Messaging"
Clive Andrews, Sales Director, Solace Systems |
15:00 - 15:30 |
ITinvest - "New Trading System: Architecture and Capabilities"
Andrey Ostashov, Head of Information Technology, ITinvest |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee-break |
16:00 - 16:30 |
Exactpro Systems - "Test Tools for Trading Systems: Evolution Theory"
Alexander Barch, NFT Analyst, Exactpro Systems Anastasia Matveeva, QA Manager, Exactpro Systems |
16:30 - 17:00 |
IBM - "Managing Uncertain Data at Scale"
Nikolay Marin, Enterprise Architect, IBM |
17:00 - 17:30 |
Exactpro Systems - "Trading Systems: Testing at the Confluence of FT & NFT"
Alexey Zverev, Managing Director, Exactpro Systems Alyona Bulda, QA Project Lead, Exactpro Systems Ivan Bobrov, HFT Analyst, Exactpro Systems |
17:30 - 17:50 | Coffee-break |
17:50 - 18:20 |
e-nestdata - "Data Center Fault Tolerance"
Alberto Borghi, Business Development Manager, e-nestdata |
18:20 - 18:50 |
Skolkovo - "Skolkovo Mission in the Development of Professional
IT community in Russia" Rostislav Yavorsky, Partner Relationship Manager, Skolkovo Foundation |
18:50 - 19:00 | Conference closing |
19:00 - 22:00 | After-hours party |